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Opening the Door: My Journey through Anorexia to Full Recovery

By Meredith O’Brien | Certified Eating Disorder Coach and LCSW

Why drift through your days hoping, waiting and trying
to recover from your eating disorder
when you can design a life you love
fully recovered …

I assure you, it’s possible.
And I know you are worth it.


An honest account of how a happy young girl with a good upbringing can develop an eating disorder and spiral out of control. This book not only demonstrates why this could happen to anyone, but gives hope to a path of recovery to those who are struggling.

– Sandi Vilacoba, Owner of the Pilates Project and fully recovered from anorexia.

Allow my journey to be your inspiration and powerful guide to getting the life you’ve always wanted and deserve.

Without being at the mercy of your eating disorder and the voice in your head (that denies you this freedom) – a stronger you will emerge.

Opening The Door: My Journey Through Anorexia To Full Recovery

For anyone struggling with their eating disorder and recovery– or supporting a loved one – who wants to learn how recovery is possible and what life is like on the other side.

This book is for you.

If you are familiar with an eating disorder, you know it didn’t just happen and you can’t just get over it by eating.

The memoir describes my gut-wrenching journey of recovery from anorexia nervosa from a young girl to entering treatment at the age of thirty-five. Now fully recovered, her passion is to write, to inspire others and to help people with eating disorder recovery.

AMeredith O’Brien has always been my hero. She has helped so many people, including me, to recover from the ugly diseases of mental health and eating disorders. Now, Meredith is bravely sharing her amazing story with everyone in her memoir “Opening the Door: My Journey through Anorexia to Full Recovery.” This book will open your eyes and reveal how Meredith has become the strong, healthy healer that she is today. In sharing her personal and sometimes painful story, she delivers hope and the promise that there is such a thing as a full recovery

– M.S.

Meredith O’Brien

Eating Disorder Therapist (LCSW), Certified Eating Disorder Coach (Carolyn Costin), Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Author, and your fiercest advocate on your journey to recovery.

I was imprisoned by my own eating disorder for over 25 years, I am now a survivor.

At an early age I started to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I placed much of my focus on body, weight, and shape and I started to deal with my feelings in unhealthy ways. Through the years I suffered from anorexia, bulimia, and exercise compulsion.
My mind was constantly racing. Inside I was completely empty. I was merely a shell of myself.

I would have these rare occasions where I would think…

“There has to be more. I want more. I deserve more.”

I would have a brief surge of energy to conquer this disease and think that my whole life was going to change for the better and then seconds later I felt fat and disgusting and the anxiety within me was nearly impossible to tolerate.

The disease would win. If I continued my path of eating disordered behaviors, death was likely.

At the age of 35, I entered an Intensive Outpatient Program in New York City.
This was my last shot.

Writing this book didn’t just happen, it happened because of my own journey, going through personal growth and coming out on the other side, fully recovered from Anorexia.

I am an eating disorder survivor, fully recovered.

And you can be too.

Want to work with me?

Follow my blog here.

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